Delivery services
Our team of Delivery Professionals don't just deliver your purchase to the doorstep, they can assemble or install your product too. Plus, we can remove and recycle packaging, collect old product and re-circulate it to the people who need it most.
Product assembly
Product assembly has been part of the ANC customer experience since 2016.
Our Delivery Professionals can assemble pretty much anything in your home – from building a barbeque to constructing a wardrobe. And, for your peace of mind, our assembly services come backed by a full warranty.
The availability of these services depends on the delivery offering of the retailer you purchased from.

Product installation
A growing number of Australians are making their purchase decisions based on the availability of product installation services. And no-one understands it better than us.
Our Delivery Professionals can set up anything in your home – from hanging a TV on the wall to installing washing machines, clothes dryers and fully integrated dishwashers.
Check with your retailer to see if these options are available to you when we deliver on their behalf.

Packaging removal & recycling services
If we install or assemble your product we can also remove all of the packaging left over and leave you with a clean and tidy home or business.
Sustainability is hugely important to us at ANC so we will recycle as much of this packaging as we possibly can.
Our team love providing this kind of one-stop-shop service and leaving you with a big smile on your dial.

Re-circulation and Re-Love
When we deliver your new purchase, we can also collect and remove the old product you’re replacing.
And through our partnership with the wonderful team at Re-Love, we make sure these products get re-circulated to the people who need them the most.
Re-Love provide good quality rescued furniture and household items at no-cost, direct to families in crisis. They provide furniture to help people restart their lives.
It's a wonderful cause and helping just a little makes us smile.