Technology that enables customer choice, transparency and control
We don't do technology for technologies sake. Every tool we’ve designed is about giving customers more choice and more control over their delivery experience. Our data science tells us that customers love it when they can control when their delivery takes place, giving them the freedom and flexibility to do more of the things they love.
Technology + customer experience
We think the key to customer satisfaction is to set expectations, communicate clearly, and then do exactly what we said we were going to do!
Our world class track and trace technology keeps customers and clients informed at every stage of the delivery process from order confirmation to delivery completion.
In an environment where customer experience is a key factor in driving repeat purchases, our technology puts your customer in control of their delivery experience.

Benefits of choosing us
Choice for customers with ANC self-service
With ANC self-service, customers can choose their own delivery window. After purchasing their item, we send them a link to confirm their delivery address, property information and to set their preferred date and time for delivery.
Delivery transparency with Onboard for Delivery
Customer receives an SMS confirming time and location of their delivery and also receive details of their driver, including photo ID. Drivers en-route to customer send another message confirming precise delivery details.
Customers can book their own delivery date
Enhance the connection and trust between you, your customer and ANC by removing the frustration around time delay. 78% choose their delivery window within 60 minutes of receiving the SMS and 97% within 24hrs.
Certainty with real-time track & trace
Visibility across the entire delivery experience, promoting self-serve adoption reducing friction. Customer’s can call or message the driver directly and receive an ETA within minutes.
Empowered fleet with DX Connect Mobile App
Mobile app with clear visibility of the delivery at all stages including special instructions. Add event codes, use maps, barcode scanning, POD signatures and geo-tag photos.
An end-to-end freight management system
Designed specifically to connect your team and our team with your customers. Unique FMS dashboard to access job details from the map drop points.
How can our technology work for you?
Our technology integrates seamlessly into your POS creating real-time visibility and enhanced customer experience.
Information architecture designed to automate manual tasks, optimise routes and enhance information security, in real time. Stakeholders across the ecosystem have visibility of consignments from point of pick-up to delivery.

How it all works together
When the customer schedules their delivery, this adds the order to the Delivery Professional's delivery schedule for a pickup from the retailer warehouse and delivery to the customer’s home on the chosen date and time
Our Delivery Professional access this information through our proprietary DX Connect App.
The Delivery Professional collects all relevant daily orders from the retailer’s warehouse and begins the daily delivery round.
Our Delivery Professionals are awesome at sticking to their delivery schedule but sometimes life (and traffic) gets in the way. To manage customer expectations, our drivers send a message when they’re en-route.
Our track and trace and customer communication tools personalise the delivery experience for customers. It removes the cost implications and frustration of time-consuming customer enquiries for client and ANC.