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Project Spark: ANC's electrifying journey towards sustainability leadership

By Mo Abbas - Chief Growth & Sustainability Officer

ANC’s Project Spark is a fleet electrification initiative designed to revolutionise last-mile delivery in Australia.

But it’s about so much more than just turning brown fleet to green — it's about reimagining the future of logistics while empowering communities, improving air quality, and setting a new standard for sustainable business practices.

If you’re looking for sustainability inspiration, read on.

Let's start with the why?

What about the numbers?

Closing the Total Cost of Ownership gap

Other wonderful benefits

The spark behind the change: aligning with Global Sustainability Goals

Project Spark isn’t something that ANC dreamt up overnight. It’s deeply rooted in the global commitment to addressing some of the most pressing environmental and social challenges of our time. In fact, our initiative aligns closely with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that our efforts contribute to a healthier planet and a more equitable society.

Affordable and clean energy

Industry innovation and infrastructure

Sustainable cities and communities

Climate action

Decent work and economic growth

Sparking a revolution

ANC Delivery Professionals share their EV experiences

Hear from two of our Delivery Professionals about how EV ownership has transformed their businesses.

What's next for Project Spark?

Creating a lasting impact

Building momentum through great storytelling

Strengthening partnerships

Routing innovation for delivery efficiency

Expanding reporting

Sustainability Leadership

Leading the way to a brighter tomorrow

Smiles Ahead

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